Written March 22 - April 4, 2023.
Procedural generation of planetoids.
On this page, I explain how to use a procedural generation algorithm to create an indexed mesh that resembles a planet or planetoid. I start from a (high resolution) unit radius sphere and then I radially displace the vertexes using 3D Perlin Noise. This work is based on several papers and documents by Ken Perlin [3] and Paul Bourke [4]. An example mesh (for a particular set of parameter values) is seen in figure 1 below.
This generation algorithm has been tested in C++ but can be adapted to other programming languages, running from scratch or on any game engine.
1. High-resolution sphere.
The generation algorithm must use a high-resolution sphere, as we want to add high-resolution variations to enhance realism. Generating a high-resolution sphere can be easily done by using the usual parametrization of the sphere, based on longitude and latitude angles (that is, by rotating a semi-circumference going from the south to the north pole). However, this method produces triangles with a high variation in area and proportions, as it yields very small triangles near the poles and quite big ones near the equator.
To solve this, we use a regular polyhedron (more concretely a platonic solid [1], whose vertexes are in the unit radius sphere, and which includes just equilateral triangles, all of them congruent (same area and edges length). Of all the platonic solids meeting this requirement, I choose the Regular Icosahedron [2], because this is the platonic solid with the largest number of triangles (20), and the smaller the original polyhedron triangles, the smaller triangle area variation we get in the final high-resolution mesh.
After the icosahedron is generated, its triangles are iteratively subdivided, until a target resolution is reached. I detail both the icosahedron generation and the subdivision process below.
1.1. Icosahedron generation.
Regular icosahedron 12 vertexes can be generated by considering their spherical coordinates as detailed in [2]. Thus, we can enumerate the vertexes as follows:
- A south pole vertex at coordinates \((0,-1,0)\) (index \(0\) vertex)
- A north pole vertex at coordinates \((0,1,0)\) (index \(1\) vertex)
- Five lower ring vertexes, forming a regular pentagon at latitude \(\beta\,=\,-\arctan(1/2)\) (indexes \(2\) to \(6\)). Thus, the \(y\) coordinate for all these vertexes is \(y\,=\,\sin\beta\,=\,-1/\sqrt{5}\). The longitude angle is \(2\pi\,i/5\), with \(i\) ranging from \(0\) to \(4\). The radius of the pentagon is \(-2y\)
- Five upper ring vertexes, forming a regular pentagon at latitude \(+\arctan(1/2)\) (indexes \(7\) to \(11\)). The longitude angles are shifted so each upper ring vertex is between two lower ring vertexes. Thus, they can be generated by using longitude angles \(2\pi\,(i+1/2)/5\), for each \(i\) from \(0\) to \(4\). The \(y\) coordinate is now \(1/\sqrt{5}\), and the radius \(2y\).
The C++ code to generate the vertex table (a std::vector
of 3-float tuples, named vertices
) is this:
const float h = 1.0f/sqrt(5.0f), // y coordinate for south and north rings.
r = 2.0f*h ; // radius to Y axis for south and north rings
// south pole and north pole
vertices.push_back({ 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f }); // south --> 0
vertices.push_back({ 0.0f, +1.0f, 0.0f }); // north --> 1
// add lower (south) ring of vertexes
for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
const float a = (float(i)*2.0f*M_PI)/5.0f ;
vertices.push_back({ r*cosf(a), -h, r*sinf(a) });
// add upper (north) ring of vertexes
for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
const float a = ((float(i)+0.5f)*2.0f*M_PI)/5.0f ;
vertices.push_back({ r*cosf(a), +h, r*sinf(a) });
The triangles table (a std::vector
of 3-unsigned tuples, named triangles
) can be generated by producing 5 triangles adjacent to the south pole and lower ring vertexes, 10 triangles adjacent to both rings and finally 5 triangles adjacent to the upper ring and north pole.
// triangles adjacent to south pole (vertex 0)
for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
triangles.push_back({ 0, 2+i, 2+((i+1)%5) });
// triangles between south and north rings
for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
const unsigned
n0 = 7+i, n1 = 7+(i+1)%5,
s0 = 2+i, s1 = 2+(i+1)%5 ;
triangles.push_back({ s0, n0, s1 });
triangles.push_back({ n0, n1, s1 });
// triangles adjacent to north pole (vertex 1)
for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
triangles.push_back({ 1, 7+((i+1)%5), 7+i });
Here is a view of the icosahedron:
1.2. Triangles subdivisions.
Once the Icosahedron has been generated, I split each original triangle into 4 triangles, which replace the original one. Thus I obtain an 80 triangles mesh. This process can be repeated \(n\) times, each time subdividing every triangle in the mesh, so in the end we get an indexed mesh with exactly \(20\cdot 4^n\) triangles.
To subdivide any given triangle into four, three new vertexes are added to the mesh vertex table, each one is placed in the middle of each edge of the original triangle. The three original vertexes, along with the three new ones, are used as vertexes for the new 4 triangles, which are also equilateral. These new triangles are added to the triangles table, while the original triangle is removed from that table.
As every input triangle is processed during the subdivisión process, any edge \(e\) in the mesh can be visited one or two times during this process (as any edge can be adjacent to one or two triangles). Any edge must be split in two when it is first visited during the subdivision process. On the second visit (when it happens), the already created middle vertex must be retrieved. To achieve this efficiently a dictionary or map (a std::map
instance) can be used. The map includes, for each visited edge (as a key), its corresponding middle vertex index (a third unsigned value). An edge is represented as a pair (a std::pair
instance) with two different unsigned values, the first being smaller than the second, to avoid redundancy. When any edge is visited, the map is queried to guess if it already contains that edge as a key or not. Then the corresponding middle vertex index is either retrieved or inserted in the map.
Below you can see the C++ code for the new vertices insertions in the subdivision step. It uses the map em
, and uses an input table named input_triangles
while adding vertexes to the table named vertices
typedef std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > edge ; // datatype for edges (a pair of unsigned values)
std::map< edge, unsigned > em ; // edges map, for each edge, includes its new index.
for( auto t : input_triangles )
for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
const edge e = { min( t[i], t[(i+1)%3]), max( t[i], t[(i+1)%3]) } ;
const auto f = em.find(e);
const unsigned ivm = (f == em.end()) ? vertices.size() : em[e] ;
if ( ivm == vertices.size() ) // if the new vertex has not been created, create it:
auto vm = 0.5f*(vertices[e.first]+vertices[e.second]) ;
vertices.push_back( vm );
em[e] = ivm ;
After new vertexes are added to the vertices table, we can insert new triangles in a the new triangles table (output_triangles
), as follows:
output_triangles.resize( 4*(input_triangles->size()) );
unsigned long indt = 0 ;
for( auto t : input_triangles )
// retrieve (in 'n') the indexes for the 3 new vertexes adjacent to triangle 't':
const unsigned n[3] =
{ em[{ min(t[0],t[1]), max(t[0],t[1]) }],
em[{ min(t[1],t[2]), max(t[1],t[2]) }],
em[{ min(t[2],t[0]), max(t[2],t[0]) }]
// create the four new triangles, using t's original vertexes and the new vertexes indexes
output_triangles[indt++] = { t[0], n[0], n[2] };
output_triangles[indt++] = { t[1], n[1], n[0] };
output_triangles[indt++] = { t[2], n[2], n[1] };
output_triangles[indt++] = { n[0], n[1], n[2] };
For an iterative version of this code, the input and output roles of these tables can be swapped after each step except the last one (this is usually called a ping pong iterative algorithm).
Here is a view of a sequence of sub-divided icosahedrons with increasing resolution (that is, after 1,2,3 and 4 subdivision steps):
This process leads to a mesh with the shape of an Icosahedron, made of small triangles, all of them with equal area. Each triangle is on one of the original Icosahdreon faces planes. As we want to obtain a sphere, we must modify the position of the new vertexes during the subdivision step: when a new vertex is computed (in the middle point of an edge), it is normalized before adding it to the vertexes table, that is, we displace the new vertex radially so it meets the unit-radius sphere surface. This normalization implies that the new four triangles are not the same area, but the area differences are very small as compared to the area difference you obtain with the latitude-longitude sphere generation algorithm. This can be verified visually, as you can assess by observing the final high-resolution sphere mesh.
Again, we see here a sequence of sub-divided icosahedrons, now with all the vertexes on the sphere:
2. Vertex displacement.
After computing the sphere, we need to modify the vertexes’ positions to give it a characteristical bumpy look. The natural option for this is to apply a radial displacement to each vertex, that is, to use a scalar factor to modify the distance from the origin to the \(i\)-th vertex. This yields a mesh resembling a planet whose height is different at each point, where height here means the distance__ to the planet’s center_.
The height or radius for each vertex is computed by using a Perlin Noise function \(N\). After that, the heights are normalized to a known range whose extreme values can be fixed by the programmer to tune the shape to its specific goals. In this section, we cover the normalization step and the Perlin Noise function.
If we name \(\cv_i\) to the original position of the vertex and \(\cv_i'\) the displaced position, we will compute the latter from the former as:
\[\cv_i' ~=~ d_i\, \cv_i\]where \(d_i\) is a scalar value (the new distance from the vertex to the origin). Here, we assume we are using a cartesian coordinate frame whose origin is in the planet center.
2.1. Normalization of Heights
The noise function \(N\) (explained below) produces a scalar value \(N(\cp)\) in \([0,1]\) for any point \(\cp\) with coordinates in the range \([-1,+1]\) (as the original sphere points have coordinates in that range). We use \(N\) to compute a height value \(h_i=N(\cv_i)\) for each vertex position \(\cv_i\). After that, another scalar value \(d_i\) is computed from \(h_i\), so \(d_i\) values are inside a known range, not necessarily equal to \([0,1]\), which can be fitted to specific planetoid characteristics.
This step is achieved by computing the minimal (\(m_0\)) and maximal (\(m_1\)) values of all \(h_i\) values, and then computing a normalized value \(f_i\) obviously as:
\[f_i ~=~ \frac{h_i - m_0}{m_1 - m_0}\]This way we ensure \(g_i\) values cover the whole interval \([0,1]\). After this we can obtain each value \(d_i\) by using two real parameters \(c\) (the base height) and \(a\) (the heigh amplitude):
\[d_i ~=~ c\,+\,a\cdot f_i\]This implies all the values \(d_i\) lie in the interval \([c,c+a]\), including for sure at least two vertexes at the extreme values \(c\) and \(c+a\). These parameters can be fine-tuned to specific applications or looks.
This normalization code can be modified to optionally truncate the heigh values to a minimum value, for values below that minimum. I have used this to somehow resemble seas in the planetoid (the blue zones in the first image above), as described in Paul Bourke paper Frequency Synthesis of Landscapes [4]. If \(f_{min}\) is the threshold value (with \(0<f_{min}<1\)), then \(d_i\) is computed as:
\[d_i ~=~ c\,+\,a\cdot \mbox{max}\left( \,0\,;\, \frac{f_i-f_{min}}{1-f_{min}} \right)\]Note that no matter which version we use for \(d_i\), it always lies in \([c,c+a]\). By setting \(f_{min}\) to \(0\), this formula becomes equivalent to the previous one, so no truncation is done.
The code below computes the array of \(h_i\) values (hv
), along with its minimal value \(m_0\) (hmin
) and the maximal one \(m_1\) (hmax
). It evaluates function \(N\) by using eval
method of the Perlin noise object pn
(which is described below). Note that the vertex position coordinates are in the range \([-1,+1]\), while the noise function \(N\) only receives coordinates in \([0,1]\), so the vertex coordinates are transformed to that range before evaluating \(N\).
PerlinNoise3D pn( p.num_levels ) ;
vector<float> hv( vertices.size() );
float hmin = 1.0,
hmax = 0.0 ;
for( unsigned iv = 0 ; iv < vertices.size() ; iv++ )
const float h = pn.evalN( (1.0f+vertices[iv](0))/2.0f,
(1.0f+vertices[iv](2))/2.0f );
hv[iv] = h ;
hmin = min( h, hmin );
hmax = max( h, hmax );
The following code computes \(f_i\) and \(d_i\) values, and displaces the vertexes radially, by using parameters \(c\) (p.d_base
) and \(a\) (p.d_scale
for( unsigned iv = 0 ; iv < vertices.size() ; iv++ )
const float
f = (hv[iv]-hmin)/(hmax-hmin) ;
d = p.d_base + p.d_scale * std::max( 0.0f, (f-p.min_f)/(1.0f-p.min_f) );
vertices[iv] = d * vertices[iv] ;
if ( p.add_vertex_colors )
{ // optionally: set vertex color (see below)
// .....
The first image in this text shows a colored planetoid. This is achieved by computing an RGB color attribute for each vertex by using the normalized \(d_i\) value of that vertex (that is, the color depends only on the height of the vertex). To do this, we use a color ramp (a vector with \(n\) colors), which defines a piecewise linear function from \(d_i\) to RGB colors.
The code below computes the color for vertex iv
when p.add_vertex_color
is true by using the d
variable as defined in the code above, and the color ramp stored in p.color_ramp
. We assume colors
is a vector with RGB 3-float tuples, with the same size as the vertex table:
if ( p.add_vertex_colors )
const unsigned ic_max = p.color_ramp.size()-1 ; // last color index
const float fnc = d*float( ic_max ) ;
const float ic_f = truncf( fnc );
const unsigned ic = unsigned( ic_f );
const float frac = fnc - ic_f ;
if ( ic < ic_max )
colors[iv] = p.color_ramp[ic]*(1.0f-frac) + p.color_ramp[ic+1]*frac ;
colors[iv] = p.color_ramp[ic_max] ;
2.2. Fractal 3D Perlin noise function.
The Perlin Noise function \(N\) accepts a coordinates tuple \(\cp=(x,y,z)\) (with \(0\leq x,y,z \leq 1\)) and yields a scalar value (in \([0,1]\)). The function is defined as a weighted sum of \(n>0\) different noise function \(M_i\), where \(n\) is called the number of levels, as follows:
\[N(\cp) ~=~ \frac{1}{s}\,\sum _{i=0}^{n-1} w_i\,M_i(2^i\cp) ~~~~~~~\mbox{where}~~~w_i = \frac{1}{2^i} ~~~~ s = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} w_i\]This kind of noise function is called a fractal or multioctave solid noise function. Each term \(w_i M_i(2^i \cp)\) is usually called an octave. It was first described in Ken Perlin’s 1985 seminal paper [3]. The name solid is used for 3D function (its argument is a 3D point instead of a 1d or 2d point). Our application demands 3D noise instead of 2D because the spherical planetoid surface cannot be uniformly covered with a 2D noise function.
The term fractal is used here because each successive octave is a scaled version of the previous one, so in theory, if we use an infinite number of octaves, the function would be self-similar under scalings, and this is exactly the property fractal shapes hold in general.
Each \(M_i\) function is a noise signal with random values (uniformly distributed in \([0,1]\)) at points with integer coordinates (which are usually called lattice points), and whose values in non-integer coordinates are obtained by interpolation. Thus, it has no frequencies above the unit frequency (unit wavelength). Evaluation of the \(M_i\) functions is discussed below in the next sub-section. The scaling for each successive \(i+1\)-th octave means that each one has double the frequency and half the amplitude than the previous \(i\)-th octave. By adding a finite number of these octaves, we get a noise signal with a range of frequencies that resembles natural formations (see [3] and [4]).
We use a slightly modified version of the above formula for \(M\) because we do not add the firsts octaves, but we allow to start the summation from the \(m\)-th octave instead of \(0\)-th octave (with \(0<m<n-1\)). This leads to a more natural planetoid look, as those first octaves give it an elongated shape, far away from the spherical one we expect for a planetoid. I usually set \(m\) to \(2\).
We also scale successive weights by using a positive real value \(b\) (we call it octaves amplitude scale factor) not necessarily equal to \(2\), as this gives more control over the final planetoid roughness. I usually set \(b\) to \(1.8\). So the actual formulation for \(N\) we use is:
\[N(\cp) ~=~ \frac{1}{s}\,\sum _{i=m}^{n-1} w_i\,M_i(2^i\cp) ~~~~~~~\mbox{where}~~~w_i = \frac{1}{b^i} ~~~~ s = \sum_{i=m}^{n-1} w_i\]Evaluation of \(N\) function can be done by using the evalN
method of PerlinNoise3D
class. The method repeatedly calls the octave
method, which evaluates \(M_i\). The number of octaves \(n\) (num_levels
) is a parameter given to the class constructor, as it is the octaves amplitude factor (octaves_asf
) and the min level \(m\) (min_level
). The code is here:
float PerlinNoise3D::evalN( const float px, const float py, const float pz )
float sum_v = 0.0f,
sum_w = 0.0f,
w = 1.0f,
spx = px,
spy = py,
spz = pz;
for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < num_levels ; i++ )
if ( min_level <= i )
sum_v += w * evalM( i, spx, spy, spz );
sum_w += w ;
spx *= 2.0f ;
spy *= 2.0f ;
spz *= 2.0f ;
w /= octaves_asf ;
return sum_v / sum_w ;
In the set of images below, we observe a sequence of 9 planetoids. Each one includes a single octave \(w_i M_i(2^i\cp)\), for \(i\) from \(0\) to \(8\) (each one has been independently generated, that is, with its own set of random values). The underlying high-resolution sphere has been obtained after 9 subdivision steps:
And a mesh with all 9 octaves added is shown below. The amplitude parameter (\(a\)) is \(0.8\), while the amplitude scale factor \(b\) is \(1.6\):
In the image below, we can see the difference between adding all the octaves from 0 to 9 (left) and just adding from octaves 2 to 9 (right). The left planetoid is elongated, as the first two octaves introduce low-frequency variations which make the planetoid depart from a more spherical shape, as in the planetoid on the right.
This image has been produced by adding octaves 2 to 9, but now truncating the minimin value to \(0.4\)
2.3. The basic noise functions \(M_i\).
Each function \(M_i\) is a function (with real values \([0,1]\)) that interpolates between random values associated with each 3D point with integer coordinates (which are usually called lattice points).
The function \(M_i\) expects coordinates in the range \([0,2^i]\). For any given lattice point \(\cp=(j,k,l)\) with integer coordinates (with \(0\leq j,k,l\leq 2^i\)), the function \(M_i\) yields a random value \(r_{i,j,k,l}\). For any non-integer coordinates tuple \((x,y,z)\), function \(M_i\) does interpolation by using the \(8\) random values associated with the \(8\) lattice points in the vertexes of the cube including \((x,y,z)\).
To implement evaluations of \(M_i\), we can use an array of \(2^{3i}\) precomputed random values for each \(i\) from \(0\) to \(n-1\). However, this requires a lot of memory even for not-so-large values of \(n\), but in fact, only a small fraction of those values are going to be used.
Thus, to save memory and time, we use a different map or dictionary for each \(i\), which is populated on demand during the mesh construction process. Each dictionary stores lattice coordinates triples as keys and random reals as values. Each \(i\)-th map is initially empty. When a new random value at one lattice point \((j,k,l)\) is requested, the program checks if the integer coordinates triple \((j,k,l)\) is already present in the map as a key. If it is, the corresponding random value is retrieved and returned, if it is not, a new random value is inserted in the map and then returned. In the end, the map will include a number of random values that is proportional to the number of mesh vertexes (considering the worst case, in which each mesh vertex causes a disjoint set of lattice points to be queried).
In C++ these maps can be implemented as an array of std::map
instances, whose declaration (as instance variable of PerlinNoise3D
class) is shown here, along with the random integers generator
// type for keys
typedef std::tuple< unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short > Triple ;
// maps array (one for each Mi function)
std::vector< std::map< Triple, float >> mlmap ;
// declarations needed to generate random values
constexpr unsigned maxrv = int(0xFFFFFF) ; // max random value
std::default_random_engine generator{ (std::random_device())() };
std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> uniform_dist{ 0, maxrv } ;
To implement map queries I use the queryMaps
method shown here:
float PerlinNoise3D::queryMaps( const unsigned level, const unsigned ix, const unsigned iy, const unsigned iz )
const Triple tr = { ix, iy, iz } ;
const auto found = mlmap[level].find( tr ) ;
if ( found == mlmap[level].end() )
const float rval = float( uniform_dist( generator )) / float(maxrv) ;
mlmap[level][tr] = rval ;
return rval ;
return mlmap[level][tr] ;
Here the constant maxrv
is the maximum integer value produced by the generator, that is int(0xFFFFFF)
For any non-integer coordinates query points \(\cp=(x,y,z)\), interpolation is carried out. This is done by considering the \(8\) random values stored in the map for the vertexes of the cube which includes \(\cp\). Once these values are known, 3D interpolation is achieved by repeated calls to a 1d interpolation function \(I(t,a,b)\) which interpolates between \(a\) (for \(t=0\)) and \(b\) (for \(t=1\)). The function \(I\) can be defined as follows:
\[I(t,a,b) ~~=~~ (1-f(t))\,a \:+\: f(t)\,b\]Where \(f(t)\) is any at least \(C^0\) continous function which interpolates between \(0\) and \(1\), thus it is defined for any \(t\in[0..1]\) and holds \(f(0)=0\) and \(f(1)=1\). Several options can be used, this is discussed below.
The code of evalM
method is shown below. It uses the 1D interpolation function interpolate
which implements \(I\):
float PerlinNoise3D::evalM( const unsigned level,
const float spx, const float spy, const float spz )
const float // get integer and fractional parts of coordinates (as floats)
ix_float = std::truncf( spx ),
iy_float = std::truncf( spy ),
iz_float = std::truncf( spz );
const float
fx = spx - ix_float ,
fy = spy - iy_float ,
fz = spz - iz_float ;
const unsigned // get integer part as unsigned values
ix = unsigned( ix_float ),
iy = unsigned( iy_float ),
iz = unsigned( iz_float );
// get 8 values from the map (c000 ... c111 ) , and then interpolate
const float
c000 = queryMaps( level, ix+0, iy+0, iz+0 ),
c001 = queryMaps( level, ix+0, iy+0, iz+1 ),
c010 = queryMaps( level, ix+0, iy+1, iz+0 ),
c011 = queryMaps( level, ix+0, iy+1, iz+1 ),
c100 = queryMaps( level, ix+1, iy+0, iz+0 ),
c101 = queryMaps( level, ix+1, iy+0, iz+1 ),
c110 = queryMaps( level, ix+1, iy+1, iz+0 ),
c111 = queryMaps( level, ix+1, iy+1, iz+1 );
const float
c00 = interpolate( fx, c000, c100 ),
c01 = interpolate( fx, c001, c101 ),
c10 = interpolate( fx, c010, c110 ),
c11 = interpolate( fx, c011, c111 ),
c0 = interpolate( fy, c00, c10 ),
c1 = interpolate( fy, c01, c11 );
return interpolate( fz, c0, c1 );
2.4. The 1D interpolation function \(f\).
Regarding the interpolation function \(f\), a simple linear 1D interpolation function could be used, which leads to tri-linear interpolation in 3D (as described in [5]). This implies \(f\) is the identity function
\[f(t) ~~=~~ t\]However, this linear 1D interpolation causes discontinuities in the surface slope, as the resulting surface is \(C^0\) continuous, but not \(C^1\). These slope discontinuities can be visible as creases, especially for the lower octaves.
Instead of linear 1D interpolation, several alternative functions have been proposed in the literature, such as using Cubic Hermite Splines [6], it is a cubic polynomial which allows setting the derivative of \(f\) at \(0\) and \(1\). In this application, however, good results can be achieved by still using that cubic polynomial, but simply setting those derivatives to \(0\). The resulting spline interpolation function \(f\) is this:
\[f(t) ~=~ -2t^3\:+\,3t^2\]It is easy to check that this particular version of \(f\) obeys the desired properties. We can also use any other functions \(f\), as long as it obeys the required properties. Concretely, we can use the sine function:
\[f(t) ~=~ \frac{1}{2}\,\sin \left( \left(t-\frac{1}{2}\right)\pi\right)\]The code for the interpolate
using the spline \(f\) is this:
inline float interpolate( const float t, const float a, const float b )
const float tsq = t*t ;
const float ft = -2.0f*t*tsq + 3.0f*tsq ;
return (1.0f-ft)*a + ft*b ;
[1] Platonic Solid in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, available from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platonic_solid, retrieved March 22, 2023.
[2] Regular Icosahedron in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, available from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_icosahedron, retrieved March 22, 2023.
[3] Ken Perlin: An image synthesizer in SIGGRAPH 85: International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (1985). PDF: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15869-f11/www/readings/perlin85_imagesynthesizer.pdf
[4] Paul Bourke: Fractal Landscapes (1991), Frequency Synthesis of Landscapes (1997), Generating noise with different power spectra laws (1998), Deterministic 1/f noise (1999), Modelling fake planets (2000), Perlin Noise and Turbulence (2000). Web: http://paulbourke.net/fractals/noise/ retrieved March 27, 2023.
[5] Trilinear Interpolation in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, available from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilinear_interpolation, retrieved March 27, 2023.
[6] Cubic Hermite Spline in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, available from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_Hermite_spline, retrieved March 27, 2023.